
Starting a new thread - stories / Začínám novou nit - příběhy

Starting with a song - in Czech. Písně sourozenců Ulrychových patří neodmyslitelně k mé pubertě, back in the late sixtieth and seventies in the last century. Musím podotknout, že jsem ji prožívala v socialistickém Československu ... Hana a Petr Ulrychovi - Příběh Now I may feel I should apologize to my foreign friends (who don't understand Czech), my Czech friends (who may not understand English), my family (who may not understand, that not all my deeds are in accord with my words) ... A jsem u citátu z písně "... příběh, vždyť stačí pár vždy stejných vět a každý může vyprávět, co nám chtěl básník říct ..." Do you want to share your story? Chcete sdílet Váš příběh? In current "covid times" even kids have their story to tell. The stories will vary according to the place and family in which he/she was born. Also the age of a storyteller will differ, which will influence personal perspective. Kids are mostly dependent of family circumstances. First at the age of 1

Respect and be respected

Writing a post after a while ... because although every day brings new experiences, good or bad, not all of them are worth notice.  A lot of things we do subconsciously, as a routine. Throughout our lives we learn new things. As infants we start to crawl, walk, listen and use our voice ... before we know it we are teenagers eager to explore the world on our own. We simply know that we can do it, whatever parents, teachers and other "wise adults" say. Unaware of inconveniences and obstructions we'll meet on our way through life. In hindsight we can see things could have gone better or we ourselves could have made better decisions. Just while on a road you can re-turn to a spot you missed and want to see, there is no such thing in real life. We deal with our experiences with our knowledge at the time "IT" happens. By "IT" I don't mean Information Technology, but the personal pronoun. Later on we can think what the "IT" brought us (and our l
Few years elapsed without a post and it is time for the following: Why? Because once again, I'm not the driver of my life. There is covid around and spreading, disregarding the borders, the nationalities, the religions, the age ... Scientists are doing their best, researching and looking for solutions that could be used in future vaccines and improving the current ones, we - ordinary people without scientific background - are perplexed. We don't understand the jargon, thus relying on media ...  ... and we fear, mostly for the future of our loved ones. Will they be able to survive should I meet the virus and eventually will die? Well, they will ... and why do I know and write this post? I felt similar fear when I was diagnosed with non-hodkin the age of 48. At that time we were living abroad so I ended up going through the chemotherapy without the regular everyday support from my friends and broader family. They were visiting occasionally and I am grateful for that,

Blog's Purpose / Záměr blogu

Having lived in Germany and United Kingdom and visited some more countries, I have always a tendency to compare the quality of life. Even coming back "home" to Czech republic after 20 years abroad felt like coming somewhere new with the advantage of knowing the language. Poté, co jsem žila v Německu a Velké Británii a další navštívila, mám stále tendenci srovnávat kvalitu života. I návrat "domů" do České republiky po 20ti letech v zahraničí jsem pociťovala jako příchod do nové země s výhodou znalosti jazyka. However, a lot changed after the fall of the Berlin wall  in November 1989 and the world became much more colorful - at least for us from the former Eastern block, who were previously not allowed to ascertain the West is really that dangerous as the government suite and vassal media declared. Frequent travelling was only for the "desirable". Po pádu berlínské zdi v listopadu 1989 se však hodně změnilo a svět je mnohem pestřejší - alespoň pro